Why You Shouldn’t Listen To Most Advice
A while back, I was sitting in a cafe in New York City, sipping a nice espresso and getting some work done.
It was the middle of the day, and I couldn’t help but overhear two guys next to me. One of them was giving the other fitness advice.
The guy giving the advice was out of shape and overweight, nothing against the guy, but not necessarily someone who was implementing the advice he was giving.
Now it could be sound advice, but at that moment I began thinking about this idea.
How many people, including ourselves, advise on things we’ve never experienced? How many of us preach a walk that we haven’t walked?
Now, as someone who makes content, I come across this quite often, and I began to separate the kind of advice that we should listen to and the kind we shouldn’t.
It turns out, most advice is the latter, and shouldn’t be followed by you or me.
Here are the 2 types of advice we should follow
Experienced advice from someone we’d like to be like
Pass through advice from number 1
The reason, most people give advice they are unqualified to give, and if you follow that advice, you will most likely end up like them, and if they aren’t living the life you want, you shouldn’t be following their advice.
Protect your influence on the people that you want to be like, that have lives you want, and more importantly, a journey that you would enjoy.
Lots of people want to be rich, not everyone wants to be a drug dealer to get rich. Don’t just look at outcomes, look at inputs too.
If you aren’t willing to give those same inputs, don’t expect the same outputs. Either change what you input or find a different equation that matches your willing inputs to your ideal outputs.