The uncomfortable truth about chasing excellence
I’m excited about the future
I’m interested in what it holds, what I could become, and what’s in store for me.
But to exist in the future and step into what could be, I must let go of what was.
Letting go of the past can be hard, and I’ve spent much time letting it go.
But I’ve had a recent epiphany, as I rewatched the fight scene from Creed 3.
His trainer, Duke, tells him in the 12th round, that Creed must “let go of whatever was, and step into what is.”
It’s not enough to let go of the past. We have to surrender our present selves.
That is what’s required for greatness, for excellence. Winning will cost everything, but will give you so much more.
You must surrender to the current, to become something more.
You may not like that idea, and it’s something I’m grappling with, but I know it’s the truth, what’s necessary.
Let go of whatever was, realize that you are not enough for your dreams, and to make them your reality, you must become greater, better, more powerful, and capable.
It’s time to unlock that next version of yourself, so let’s talk about 4 ways you can start today.
1. Build your reputation with yourself
Self-reputation is everything. How you communicate with yourself, how often you keep your word, do the right thing, and stay true to who you are. Start by keeping your promises to yourself, and being an ally, not an enemy, to yourself.
2. Absorb everything
The world is an open book, in a digital age of information, learn how to learn, and pay attention to the world around you, it tends to give answers to those who are paying attention.
3. Deepen your understanding of self
Become who you are, by knowing who you are. How can you build a better version of yourself if you are ignorant of the base version? Only by understanding your goals, motives, and desires, will you be able to unlock that next version of yourself.
4. Ruthlessly prioritize what matters.
You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. There is simply not enough time, energy, and resources to do everything. Some things will matter more than others, and it’s on you to give priority to the things that matter most to you. Where focus goes, energy flows.